Rachel Sees Snail Shoes

RACHEL SEES SNAIL SHOES is a handmade sandal and shoe company in Portland OR. All shoes are made by Rachel Corry. She also teaches sandal-making classes throughout the west coast.


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My most classic and well-loved process for sandalmaking <3 and now the video is free on youtube!

In it I show each step in detail as I make a 100% leather sandal with heavy leather outsoles and stacked leather heels. This is a simple process that dosn’t involve nails or midsoles but is more advanced than the Rubber-soled process.

You may choose to purchase the HEELED SANDAL KIT which includes all the necessary tools + materials for this project.

I used to charge for all these videos but I’ve moved them over to YOUTUBE in order to share the info more widely.

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rachelpeanutbutter @gmail