The kit for making your own QUILTED FABRIC SANDALS!
These are really fun and pretty simple to make and just might lead you into a whole new way of thinking about footwear. They’re totally customizable and a fine project for any shoe size or width.
I’ll email you a PDF pattern and video link for making the uppers (the strap part), using your own fabric stash. You’ll use your own fabric to create these pieces so I expect them to all be very unique to each maker.
Then I’ll send you kits with heavy leather outsoles and stacked leather heels, thick leather footbeds (in Natural, Brown or Black), Eco-Weld shoe glue, and a leather hole punch, locking utility knife + awl. The kits will have hard copies of the upper and sole patterns, the link to the 19min video showing how to make the fabric uppers, and simple step-by-step instructions on how to assemble and fit your sandals. Finally, I’ll give instructions on how to go about sanding the edges (or having them sanded by a cobbler).
What you need to have to make the fabric uppers:
~1sq feet fabric for the exterior (the part you’ll see)
~1sq feet soft fabric for inner lining
~3sq feet puffy wool or cotton batting for lining
~4 feet piped cord or binding/edge/trim (optional)
Shipping cost is included
Please write if you have any questions